Data & Analytics Maturity Assessment

Perform a free online Data and Analytics Maturity Assessment to see how capable your organisation is today and learn in which areas you can make the biggest gains.



Assess your Organisation's Data and Analytics capabilities

Find out what the current state of your organisation's data and analytics capabilities is.

Benchmark your organisation against industry standards

Understand how your organisation compares to others in your industry and identify where you excel and where you can accelerate.

Drive organisational change and improvement

Create a roadmap where you prioritise initiatives, allocate resources, and track progress over time.

The Assessment Process

Complete the Assessment

Navigate to the Maturity Assessment on this page and complete the questionnaire. See how you measure up across 6 key competencies and 24 dimensions of maturity in our data and analytics maturity assessment. The assessment takes about 3-5 minutes to complete, assuming all required information is known.


Analysis & Reporting

Once you complete the assessment, we perform an automated analysis of your results. We use this to compile a report that visualizes the current and potential next steps. You will receive this report in your email soon after completion. Have you yet to receive the report or have any questions? 

Feedback & Recommendations

Your Report Score is based on Strategy, Process, Data, Platforms, Analysis, and Culture & Skills Maturity. Once you have reviewed the report, we offer a feedback and recommendations session with one of our experts. During this session, you can ask questions about the results and determine your next action.

4 Key Insights

What will your organisation gain from completing a Maturity Assessment?
Data Assessment More Transparent

Current State Assessment

An objective review of your organisation's current data and analytics capabilities. Learn about strengths and weaknesses in your organisation's data governance, data infrastructure, data analytics, and data-driven decision-making practices.

Data Warehouse Transparent

Industry Standards

Ability to benchmark your organisation's capabilities against industry standards and best practices. Learn how your organisation compares to others, allowing you to identify areas where you may be falling behind or excelling.

Data Analytics Consulting Transparent

Improvement Areas

Identify areas where you have opportunities to improve your data and analytics capabilities. This prioritises initiatives and allocate resources effectively, ensuring you invest where it matters. 

Artificial Intelligence More Transparent

Roadmap for Change

Develop a roadmap for your Data & Analytics practice by identifying key objectives and initiatives. Gather actionable steps to address potential weaknesses and create a roadmap for improvement.


Answers to the most common questions about the Data & Analytics Maturity Assessment.
What are the measurements of the assessment based on?

We have developed a framework which measures your Data & Analytics capabilities across 6 dimensions. During an online survey, we will collect information about the present state and calculate a score for you.

What is the benefit of completing a Maturity Assessment?

Often it is complicated to identify the right areas to make investments in Data & Analytics capabilities. The assessment will give you a realistic view of where you are today, and which actions you can take next. This ensures your investments target those areas where you have the biggest opportunity to accelerate.

How Much Does the Assessment Cost?

The Analytium Maturity Assessment is for free.

Take the Analytium Maturity Assessment