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SAS® Viya

Our experts leverage the power of SAS® to unlock actionable insights, providing a robust foundation for data analysis. Whether you're seeking statistical analysis, predictive modeling, or data visualisation, our SAS® language expertise ensures a tailored approach to meet your analytical needs. We guide through the complexities of SAS®, transforming your data into strategic assets for informed decision-making.

Robust Capabilities

Advanced Analytical Capabilities

SAS® Viya allows organisations to build and deploy predictive models, perform statistical analysis and conduct machine learning tasks on large and diverse datasets.
Comprehensive Reports

Cloud-Ready Architecture

SAS® Viya is able to analyse massive amounts of data. The platform supports distributed computing and can integrate with cloud environments, making it a flexible tool that is beneficial to companies with growing data volumes.
Wide Support Range

Integration and Collaboration 

SAS® Viya promotes open integration with other programming languages and source tools. The platform facilitates collaboration across teams, making the integration of analytics into existing workflows simple.

Technology Overview

SAS® Viya provides a modern, flexible environment for analytics and AI, delivering faster, more robust insights through an integrated, cloud-ready architecture optimised for scalable performance.


Discover how our focus on deep Data & Analytics technology expertise delivers solutions that are designed to deliver on the outcomes you expect.

How does SAS® Viya differ from the traditional SAS® environment?
Viya offers a more open and cloud-friendly platform, emphasising scalability and collaboration.
Can SAS® Viya handle complex analytical models?
Yes, it's designed to address complex analytical challenges with ease and agility.
Is SAS® Viya suitable for all sizes of businesses?
Whilst SAS® Viya is usually more geared towards larger organisations, its scalable architecture suits businesses of all sizes, enabling growth and advanced analytics capabilities at every stage.

Featured Use Cases

Isometric illustration of a high rise building standing on a platform surrounded by pie charts, line charts, and data visualisations

Enhanced Data Integration for Enterprise

Context: Organisations often face challenges in scaling their operations and integrating diverse data sources. SAS®  Viya can serve as a powerful tool for by offering advanced data management capabilities, enabling seamless integration and accessibility of data across various platforms.

Practical Application: Implementing SAS®  Viya can help organisations streamline their data processing workflows, enhance data quality, and ensure data governance, thus overcoming scalability and integration challenges.

Isometric illustration of a woman analysing information from multiple display screens showing bar graphs and pie charts to make a decision

Advanced Analytics for Real-Time Decision Making

Context: Organisations require robust analytics capabilities to drive data-driven decision-making and maintain competitive advantage. They need tools that can handle advanced analytics, predictive modelling, and real-time data analysis.

Practical Application: SAS® Viya provides an intuitive analytics platform that supports real-time decision-making. By leveraging its machine learning and AI capabilities, organizations can uncover insights faster, predict future trends, and make informed decisions promptly, aligning with their digital transformation goals.

Isometric illustration of a man sitting at a desk working on his laptop with data displayed on various screens in the background

Self-Service Analytics to Empower Business Users

Context: There's a growing demand among organisations for self-service analytics tools that empower business users to explore and analyse data without relying heavily on IT departments.

Practical Application: With SAS® Viya, businesses can democratize data access, enabling users with varying levels of expertise to generate reports, visualize data insights, and perform analytics independently. This capability enhances organizational agility and fosters a data-driven culture by making analytics accessible to all users.

Let's Get in Touch

Whatever the size of your business, or the scope of your project, we're available to answer any questions you may have.