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In this recorded session we focus on the best practices for migrating SAS applications from legacy mainframes to contemporary platforms. Designed for decision-makers and IT professionals, our webinar offers insights into the strategic planning and analysis essential for a successful migration.

What You Will Learn

During this webinar, our experts show you:

  • Our experience and best practice for assessing and pre-planning your migration.
  • Defining the project scope and success criteria.
  • Challenges and roadblocks to look out for.
  • How the SAS code parser can help.
  • A demonstration of possible outcomes.
  • Next steps to take.

Watch This Webinar

This webinar is for everyone currently running a SAS on Mainframe solution, who is looking to migrate and modernise.

Note that this session has taken place in the past. Register on this form to get access to the On-Demand webinar recording.


3 Key Benefits You Will Gain

Understand which benefits your will gain by viewing this recording.

Comprehensive Migration Insights
Strategic Planning and Execution
Overcoming Migration Hurdles


Not sure if this webinar is relevant to you? Here are the answers to a few common questions.

Who should attend this webinar?
If you're a decision-maker, IT professional, or part of a team considering or currently facing challenges with migrating SAS applications from legacy mainframes to modern platforms, this webinar is for you. It's particularly beneficial for those navigating technology limitations, exploring cost-effective solutions, or seeking to update their skill set in line with current technological advancements.
What knowledge or tools will I gain from participating?
Participants will gain insights into the best practices for assessing and pre-planning SAS migrations, defining project scope and success criteria, and addressing common migration challenges. Additionally, we introduce the SAS code parser and other tools that facilitate a smooth transition.
How can this webinar help me with the challenges of migration?
Our experts their experiences, potential roadblocks and solutions in the migration process. By understanding these challenges ahead of time, you can plan more effectively, ensuring that migration projects are set up for success. 

Other Resources

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Vasilij Nevlev
Post by Vasilij Nevlev
Apr, '24
Vasilij is the founder of Analytium. His career is characterised by a data driven mindset, which he now uses to achieve great results for others.
